Limes/Lemons: They rescued British sailors from scurvy and they can rescue you from any vitamin C deficiency as well as acidosis (too much acid in the body).
As biologist and author Dr. Robert Young explained, lemons and limes are wonderful alkaline-forming fruits in the body because of their near zilch sugar content and ultra high mineral content, making them the ideal companion for a health-minded soul. Limes are our main salad dressing component here at HLife, and a regular addition to a glass of water, especially in the morning, when our bodies are most acidic. One medium lemon provides 90% of the RDA of vitamin C. Make some great lime or lemonade using the whole lemon – some of the vitamin C is in the peel – and sip through a straw to protect teeth enamel.
Grapefruits: Vitamins, phytochemicals and fiber make the grapefruit a health star. Varieties include white, pink and red (referring to the flesh, not the skin). An 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides over 100% of the RDA of vitamin C, but it’s the pithy part that contains the fiber pectin, which has been found to help lower bad cholesterol. Take grapefruit over oranges any time – they are an alkaline, low glycemic food, so you don’t have to worry about packing pounds from acid-forming sugar content.
Oranges: Yes, America’s favorite vitamin C option for its sweet flavor. But it’s the sugar that puts this citrus fruit out of the cleanse/detox/healthy lifestyle running. The large amount of sugar in oranges gives your liver extra work, makes it a high glycemic food bad for diabetics and an even worse option if you’re trying to shed some excess weight. All the sugar also makes it acid-forming to the body, which is another sure way to pack pounds in the mid-section of your body and generate disease. Enjoy them (and their cousins, mandarins) very sparingly and be sure to eat them, not juice them: The white membrane under the skin holds more vitamin C than the flesh and also contains pectin fiber.

The Natural way to control Body Acidity, Alkalete:
Heartburn, Acid indegestion, acid reflux GERD...Chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis is a growing health concern. Leading medical researchers are concluding that a decline in health begins when cellular pH moves toward becoming acidic, toxic, and polluted - a process called metabolic acidosis.Our body’s ability to process acid steadily decreases as we age; that’s part of the reason that our bodies have to work harder just to keep our normal functions working properly and maintain blood pH within “normal” ranges of 7.35 to 7.45 pH. This rise in excess acidity in the body is why Yoli is introducing Alkalete™. We feel everyone has the right to enjoy optimal living through optimal body pH.Alkalete™ is a very simple mineral product that is very complicated to make. In fact, the manufacturing process used to make it has eight patents.Alkalete™ is made up of three essential minerals: calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are combined through Yoli's proprietary process to produce the most powerful body alkalizer on the market.Alkalete™ is a very strong, yet very safe, alkalizing agent. In fact,Alkalete™ consists entirely of ingredients designated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).Alkalete™ received FDA recognition as a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI), a designation of product safety and uniformity. A proprietary manufacturing process uses the patented Exact Blending and Compounding (“EBC”) equipment to produce the Alkalete™ granule.The Alkalete granules have three properties:1. Achieves a systemic alkaline balance in the body to improve healthy aging and athletic performance.2. Reduces the acidity of foods and beverages without damaging flavor.3. Increases absorbency of key nutrients.Feel free to visit our website http://www.Lifes-a-Blast.GoYoli.com/ or contact us by e-mail for further information on Alkalete. Lifes-a-Blast.@Q.com
Heartburn, Acid indegestion, acid reflux GERD...Chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis is a growing health concern. Leading medical researchers are concluding that a decline in health begins when cellular pH moves toward becoming acidic, toxic, and polluted - a process called metabolic acidosis.Our body’s ability to process acid steadily decreases as we age; that’s part of the reason that our bodies have to work harder just to keep our normal functions working properly and maintain blood pH within “normal” ranges of 7.35 to 7.45 pH. This rise in excess acidity in the body is why Yoli is introducing Alkalete™. We feel everyone has the right to enjoy optimal living through optimal body pH.Alkalete™ is a very simple mineral product that is very complicated to make. In fact, the manufacturing process used to make it has eight patents.Alkalete™ is made up of three essential minerals: calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are combined through Yoli's proprietary process to produce the most powerful body alkalizer on the market.Alkalete™ is a very strong, yet very safe, alkalizing agent. In fact,Alkalete™ consists entirely of ingredients designated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).Alkalete™ received FDA recognition as a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI), a designation of product safety and uniformity. A proprietary manufacturing process uses the patented Exact Blending and Compounding (“EBC”) equipment to produce the Alkalete™ granule.The Alkalete granules have three properties:1. Achieves a systemic alkaline balance in the body to improve healthy aging and athletic performance.2. Reduces the acidity of foods and beverages without damaging flavor.3. Increases absorbency of key nutrients.Feel free to visit our website http://www.Lifes-a-Blast.GoYoli.com/ or contact us by e-mail for further information on Alkalete. Lifes-a-Blast.@Q.com
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