Thursday, August 25, 2011

15 Minutes to a Longer Life...

Slash calories and reap major health benefits in no time with quick bursts of the following fun activities.

In less time than it takes to watch another rerun of The Office, you can blast calories and increase your chance of a long life. Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can extend your life by 3 years, according to recent research from Taiwan. The study tracked more than 400,000 people over 13 years and found that participants who completed 15 minutes of moderate exercise a day (think brisk walking) increased their life expectancy by an average of 3 years compared with inactive individuals. The quarter-hour of activity has other benefits, too; the researchers were able to draw a connection between daily exercise and a lower incidence of cancer. And, of course, while you’re at it you’ll also burn calories—sometimes close to 200 in just 15 minutes.

Jumping Rope
Burn: 167 calories in 15 minutes.

Skipping rope isn’t just for schoolgirls. Have you ever wondered why boxers are in such great shape? Many of them jump rope to train. “It’s like a full-body workout,” Frechman says “It’s excellent for your legs and heart, and you’re also involving your arms and shoulders.” A mere 15 minutes of hopping—done either continuously or in short intervals with rest—will melt more than 150 calories.
Mountain Biking
Burn: 150 calories in 15 minutes

Take your two-wheeler for a quick ride. Just 15 minutes on moderate terrain will vanquish 150 calories. “You’ll increase your burn potential if you ride hills or rough terrain, and if it’s hot outside you could lose twice as many calories,” White says.

Doing Hot Yoga
Burn: 125 calories in 15 minutes

The 105°F temperature of the room will help you shed calories in a hurry. Just 15 minutes eradicates 125, and some studies show that you can sweat off up to 1,000 during a 90-minute class, White says. Research has shown that yoga may also relieve anxiety and back pain.

Riding a Stationary Bike
Burn: 115 calories in 15 minutes

The stationary bike’s a great option for people with injuries or individuals who want to go easy on their joints, White says. It doesn’t burn as many calories as running on the treadmill or using the elliptical, but you will still shed more than 100 calories in a quarter-hour workout.

Playing Tennis
Burn: 107 calories in 15 minutes

There’s no need to plan a marathon match àla Isner and Mahut’s epic 11-hour showdown, because a mere 15 minutes of doubles play will burn more than 100 calories. “If you’re playing singles, the burn is more intense, and playing a competitive partner will increase the calories you lose,” White says.

Burn: 100 calories in 15 minutes

You’ll need to hike only a quarter of an hour up a moderate hill to leave 100 calories in the dust. To burn even more, wear a backpack or weighted vest during your climb, Frechman suggests.

Hitting a Punching Bag
Burn: 100 calories in 15 minutes

A quick punching session will help you alleviate any pent-up aggression and is also a good way to work your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and upper body, according to White. Fifteen minutes of slugging will knock out 100 calories.

Burn: 100 calories in 15 minutes

The next time you hit the pool or beach, hop into the water instead of onto the lounge chair. “We’re not even talking about heavy-duty swimming. A slow, leisurely swim for 15 minutes will do the trick,” Gans says. If you’re able to take a dip in the ocean, even better—you’ll burn more calories when you’re fighting the waves.

Burn: 88 calories in 15 minutes

Give your arms, back, and shoulders a workout with a ride around the local lake; a short cruise will clobber close to 100 calories. To up the burn potential (and the thrills) head for a little whitewater to work against a current or rapids, White recommends.

Burn: 46 to 100 calories in 15 minutes (2 mph to 4 mph)

The general rule is walking 1 mile burns 100 calories, according to Frechman. Depending on how quickly you’re hoofing it, you could walk off up to 100 calories in just 15 minutes! If you don’t have time for an extended jaunt, find reasons to walk more throughout the day. Park farther away from your destination, walk over to a coworker’s desk instead of sending an email, or stroll to lunch instead of having it delivered.

Weeding the Garden
Burn: 75 calories in 15 minutes

“Being in the garden can be therapeutic,” Gans says. “[By growing and eating your own vegetables] you become more attuned to what you’re putting into your body.” In addition to burning nearly 100 calories, while you’re outside you’ll get a supply of Vitamin D from the sun, which is enormously beneficial. The nutrient’s been linked to bone health and weight loss.

Pushing a Baby Stroller
Burn: 46 calories in 15 minutes

“So many parents say to me that when they have young children, they have no time for exercise. I say, put the child in the stroller and go for a walk. It’s a win-win situation—the parent gets exercise and the baby gets fresh air,” Gans says. In fact, a 15-minute trip around the block will burn 46 postbaby calories.

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